Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What is Base Camp?

Right now, Base Camp is an idea. We are currently in the very early stages of development, and are seeking community support and involvement to make this project a reality. Our first step is to conduct a feasibility study, and from there will form our business plan and form a non-profit that will seek funding via grants, private investors, public support, and membership sales. The below outline is fluid, and we ask the community at large to help shape the overall mission of Base Camp based on the needs of the community at large. We welcome your input, and will be asking for it often!

Our mission is to create a non-profit community center for filmmakers and talent that provides a physical space for emerging and established artists to create and manifest their craft; to provide a work environment where artists can collaborate, mentor and support one another; to provide workshops and training programs that enhance their skill set; and to provide the necessary amenities that artists need but don’t currently have affordable access too. The purpose of the space is to provide a place for professional filmmakers and emerging artists to:
1) inspire original works by bringing together screenwriters, directors, crew and talent;
2) assist Portland filmmakers in creating and presenting financing and distribution plans;
3) train emerging artists in new technologies and techniques to prepare them for the professional workforce;
4) create an environment that fosters the creation of Portland-based projects and reduces our reliance on out-of-state productions;
5) create an atmosphere where artists can showcase their talents and collaborate to create festival-worthy and distribution-quality films;
6) further develop a qualified workforce that will attract film projects to Portland, Oregon; and
7) CREATE JOBS by creating projects and bringing all the financial and distribution pieces together.

Base Camp will seek a large mixed-use office/warehouse facility and community center. Initial plans for the facility will include long-term office space, short-term office/workspace, conference rooms, classrooms, rehearsal space, dance studio, computer lab, recording studio, screening room, make-up and wardrobe facilities, sound stage, commercial kitchen for catering, audition rooms and an open communal space that would ideally include a coffee shop/cafe. Amenities will include affordable equipment rental, vocational training, mentorship programs, on-going classes, workshops and networking opportunities.

The community center will operate as a non-profit entity whose purpose is to support artists on both sides of the camera - the filmmakers who create projects and the talent that brings their vision to life. The center will be managed by a Board of Directors that will be made up of professionals covering all facets of filmmaking - producers, directors, writers, talent, entertainment lawyers, bankers, et al.If you are interested in being on the Board of Directors, please let us know.

The center will be funded through a combination of grants, private tax-deductable contributions, public contributions for arts programs, and the community through a variety of member-based options:

Long-term Office Space:
Base Camp members with existing businesses (i.e. production companies, casting & talent agents, electrical & grip companies, et al) will have the opportunity to open a new office or move existing office to Base Camp. The benefits of locating their offices at Base Camp are 1) the opportunity to be located within the same space as complimentary businesses; 2) to collaborate with complimentary businesses; 3) to obtain affordable office space to improve company operations; 4) to build on their existing business by increasing their exposure to potential clients, and 5) to mentor emerging artists in a community atmosphere.

Short-Term Office/Workspace:
Small offices and cubicles will be available for rent by the day, week or month to artists in need of a place to work. The benefits of short-term rentals are the same as long-term office space, however this option provides artists with the opportunity to collaborate and work within the community at large without having to commit to long-term office space.

Conference Rooms:
Conference rooms will be available free of charge to long-term tenants, but will be available to the members at large for an affordable hourly rate. The conference rooms will provide the opportunity for artists to meet with investors, producers, crew, etc. in a professional setting; provide a place for groups to meet and collaborate; provide a place for writers/directors to hold table reads; provide a space for artists to have mastermind meetings, and more.

Classrooms/Computer Lab/Workshop Space:
Space will be available for rent for professionals to offer classes and workshops. Classes may include video editing, equipment training, vocational training, acting classes, business workshops, etc. Computers will be available for rent hourly or daily for individuals in need of the latest technology and software to increase the quality of their productions.

Other Amenities Available for Rent:
Production companies will have an affordable option for renting facilities that will include rehearsal space, dance studio, recording studio, voice-over studio, screening room, make-up and wardrobe facilities, audition rooms and more.

Equipment Rentals:
Base Camp will offer affordable equipment rentals initially by partnering with existing rental companies and eventually purchasing equipment and renting it directly to it’s members. Equipment available for rent may include camera equipment, lighting, computers, and more depending on the needs of the community.

Free Amenities Available to All:
And because we don't want the space to be an exclusive club, we will also offer public access to the film community at large by offering communal space. Base Camp aspires to be a hub where artists can gather socially. From weekly and/or monthly networking events to a daily place to hang out socially with a cup of coffee, Base Camp strives to be a hub of constant activity that welcomes all artists at various stages in their career. We will be seeking a coffee shop/cafe partner to provide beverages and snacks on-site.

1 comment:

  1. I really like where this is going. It's good to see a clear plan laid out too.
