Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Antsy for Space...

Wherever I go, whatever I am doing, I always have one eye out for the perfect location for Base Camp. On my commuting route everyday I pass by two mixed-use office/warehouse spaces that I drool over. I have been known on several occasions to pull over and spy on the space - looking in the windows from every imaginable vantage point. One of the two spaces is a 20,000 sf warehouse currently for sale at about $1.2 million... A bit out of our price range for a starter space! But, there are a few other places that I have eyeballed that are totally doable!

This is one of the spaces I drive by everyday on my commute: 3200 sf of office/conference room space that has been recently and extensively remodeled attached to 10,000 square feet of warehouse. Can you see why I am drooling? Look - there's a big blank space where the Base Camp logo would fit perfectly!

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